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Jazz Articles about Chet Baker

Album Review

Chet Baker & Jack Sheldon: In Perfect Harmony: The Lost Album

Read "In Perfect Harmony: The Lost Album" reviewed by Pierre Giroux

In Perfect Harmony: The Lost Album presents an intriguing collaboration between trumpeters Chet Baker and Jack Sheldon. Derived from a newly unearthed studio session from 1972 and released on the Jazz Detective label, it was co-produced by Zev Feldman and film producer Frank Marshall. Backed by a stellar ensemble featuring Jack Marshall (guitar), Dave Frishberg (piano), Joe Mondragon (bass) and Nick Ceroli (drums), the sextet swings through a repertoire drawn mostly from the Great American Songbook, supplemented by one original ...

Album Review

Chet Baker: Blue Room: The 1979 VARA Studio Sessions In Holland

Read "Blue Room: The 1979 VARA Studio Sessions In Holland" reviewed by Stefano Merighi

Possiamo cominciare da “The Best Thing for You" per osservare come Chet Baker spesso si svincoli dal consueto clichè di strumentista intimo, tormentato e romantico e assuma invece tratti perentori e assertivi. Il suo intervento tra gli accordi del brano di Irving Berlin è di una sicurezza tecnica assoluta, il timbro brunito non esclude un'effervescenza ritmica e una costruzione delle frasi che nello stesso tempo esaltano l'eloquio e i silenzi. Si tratta di un discorso che si potrebbe ...

Book Review

Jazz And Death: Reception, Rituals And Representations

Read "Jazz And Death: Reception, Rituals And Representations" reviewed by Ian Patterson

Jazz and Death: Reception, Rituals and Representations Walter van de Leur 200 Pages ISBN: 9781138553422 Routledge 2023 The title might seem a tad non-felicitous, but it surely invites reflection. How do we respond to and commemorate jazz musicians' deaths? In what ways do these rituals manifest themselves from one place and from one culture to another? Most significantly, what do the various responses to jazz deaths reveal about wider jazz culture--the traditions, heritage, ...

Album Review

Chet Baker: Blue Room: The 1979 VARA Studio Sessions In Holland

Read "Blue Room: The 1979 VARA Studio Sessions In Holland" reviewed by Mark Corroto

Let us bring sexy back to jazz. Not that it has been misplaced but, in a world where a teenager with a horn can flawlessly navigate “Giant Steps," what seems to be the missing is the seductive element of jazz. We are undoubtedly reminded of the sensuous experience of the music which has always been reflected in the music of Chet Baker as evidenced by these newly discovered sessions from Holland in 1979. Jazz detective Zev Feldman has unearthed more ...

Journey into Jazz

Record Store Day 2023 Jazz Releases

Read "Record Store Day 2023 Jazz Releases" reviewed by Kyle Simpler

Record Store Day, which started in 2007, is a biannual event designed to promote independent record stores. Every Record Store Day drop features limited-edition vinyl releases in practically every genre of music. The releases, however, are offered on a limited basis, and they are available for one time only. As a result, collectors often wait in long lines at a participating store hoping to get copies of releases before they are sold out. As expected, this 2023 drop on April ...

Album Review

Chet Baker: Live In Paris

Read "Live In Paris" reviewed by Stefano Merighi

A un certo punto arriva un'anonima bossanova, “Arbor Way" di Rique Pantoja, e lì ci sono cinque minuti di assolo di Chet Baker che ti avvolgono con un calore disarmante, che ti ricordano che cos'era quella sua vulnerabilità adamantina, quella sua sapienza oracolare, del tutto estranea al sistema del jazz allora imperante, quello degli “young lions" vestiti alto-borghesi, neo padroni di una lingua morta eppure machista e vincente. Siamo nel febbraio 1984, a Le Petit Opportun a Parigi, ...

Album Review

Chet Baker Trio: Live In Paris

Read "Live In Paris" reviewed by Chris May

Aside from a new album by a favourite musician, few things hold so much promise as the release of a previously unavailable recording—and if it comes up to expectations, rather than being a barrel-scraping exercise, one has lucked out. Live In Paris: The Radio France Recordings 1983 -1984 hits the sweet spot. Available as a 3 x LP box set from April 23, 2022, which is Record Store Day, and a week later as a 2 x CD box, these ...


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