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Publisher's Desk

Improving Every Day

Read "Improving Every Day" written by Michael Ricci

April 15, 2024

Not a day goes by that we don't make some sort of improvement to All About Jazz and Jazz Near You. This month, in particular, has seen steady progress and I listed some of the more public-facing additions below. Created a new Radio & Podcasts information and scheduling page (here). Added “NEAR YOU" to the All About Jazz navigation bar for fast access to Jazz Near You. Added theme song and playlist options to a member's ...

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Publisher's Desk

Navigation Bar Additions & Following Musicians

Read "Navigation Bar Additions & Following Musicians" written by Michael Ricci

March 29, 2024

The All About Jazz and Jazz Near You redesign project is in progress as we work to simplify navigation to help you more easily access the content you value most. As we've mentioned in previous newsletters, you can follow staff writers and filter what content appears on your MY ARTICLES page and your MY REVIEWS page. We've added links to both under the dropdown menu when you click “Hi, [Your Name]" (see screenshot below). In case you missed the note about ...

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Publisher's Desk

How To Follow Staff Writers

Read "How To Follow Staff Writers" written by Michael Ricci

March 16, 2024

Over the next two weeks we'll explain how to customize your content experience by following musicians and writers at All About Jazz. “MY AAJ" has existed for years, but we're adding new functionality and raising its profile to help you quickly find the information you value most. This week, we'll explain how to follow our staff. Following AAJ Writers Once you follow a staff writer, All About Jazz will notify you via website message when they are published. ...

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Publisher's Desk

The new Jazz Near You header is live!

Read "The new Jazz Near You header is live!" written by Michael Ricci

March 5, 2024

The new Jazz Near You header went live today. It's styled after the new All About Jazz header to keep navigation and the look & feel between the two websites consistent and clean. The differences are that the Jazz Near You hamburger icon opens to a different set of essential links; SEARCH takes you to the Jazz Near You search page (which was recently improved to include viewing an artist's entire performance calendar); the green UPLOAD EVENTS tab ...

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Publisher's Desk

Staff News Including Album Tips

Read "Staff News Including Album Tips" written by Michael Ricci

March 3, 2024

For those who followed along last year, 2023 was highly productive as we released several new features, expanded our reach, and constantly improved every facet of our platform. We're still on a creative roll, so expect even more activity in 2024. Please read on as I have some important news to share including a few tips: Album Tips When adding album information, ALWAYS select a leader. Sometimes there are co-leaders, but please pick one. This is ...

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Publisher's Desk

Jazz is big... very big

Read "Jazz is big... very big" written by Michael Ricci

February 16, 2024

We were dejunking the All About Jazz office last weekend and stumbled across this June 7, 1998 New York Times article entitled “(Even) Jazz Makes The Leap to Cyberspace" by the late Terry Teachout. His “Jazz is big--very big..." cracked me up. We can only wish. And of the 300+ jazz websites (and growing by the day) that were around back then, only one remains that covers jazz. Talk about staying power. AAJ actually launched three years prior ...

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Publisher's Desk

Let's hear it for the new header!

Read "Let's hear it for the new header!" written by Michael Ricci

February 7, 2024

Yesterday morning, the tech team at All About Jazz quietly launched our new header / navigation bar. Minus a handful of post implementation issues, it went off without a hitch. Some of the issues that arose were fixed immediately, while others will take a few days to resolve. Once we complete the AAJ header, we'll turn our attention to the Jazz Near You header. From there, we'll rework the footers and make other sitewide style improvements.

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Publisher's Desk

More on member polls

Read "More on member polls" written by Michael Ricci

February 2, 2024

Long-time contributor Ed Blanco and his wife Pilar just returned from the 2024 Jazz Cruise and from the sounds of it, had a whale of a time. Here's Ed sporting his All About Jazz uniform with none other than pianist and AAJ friend Eliane Elias. It appears everyone loves to view poll results as the Favorite Living Saxophonist article has generated over 6,000 pageviews since last week. Of course, the results would be much more meaningful (and accurate) ...

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Publisher's Desk

Poll Voting Tip

Read "Poll Voting Tip" written by Michael Ricci

January 17, 2024

We plan to close out our open reader polls starting with living jazz saxophonists, and we're looking to reach our goal of 250 participants, so please take a moment to cast your vote. Voting TipEnter names that immediately spring to mind then complete your voting at your leisure from your MY POLLS page. Your Favorite Living Jazz SaxophonistsVOTE All polls, including the results from our closed polls, are here. We still have a ...

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Publisher's Desk

2023 Roundup

Read "2023 Roundup" written by Michael Ricci

January 6, 2024

2023 was a very good year for All About Jazz in terms of website expansion as we completed several projects including v2 of our newsletter platform, v1 of our survey platform, and a publicity firm client tracking service. Our website redesign project began in 2023 and we'll start to see the transformation of AAJ's appearance in the coming weeks. Thanks to several twofers, the 2023 Song of the Week playlist ended up with 75 songs and nearly 8 ...

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