Home » Jazz Musician Birthdays
Jazz Musicians born on February 29
Celebrate jazz and the artists who made or make it on their big day! Courtesy of your friends at All About Jazz. Check out our cool jazz birthday calendar page.
Chava Mirel
vocalsborn 1976
David Anthony Zee
pianoDavid L. Harris
tromboneborn 1988
Ed Dunsavage
guitarborn 1956
Elizabeth Brinkofski
guitarborn 2000
Hanna Inui
pianoJames Green
guitarborn 1968
Jimmy Dorsey
composer / conductorborn 1904
Marco Bianchi "Vibes"
vibraphoneborn 1980
Martin France
drumsborn 1964
Paul Kissaun
pianoborn 1964
Paul Rutherford
tromboneborn 1940
Richie Cole
saxophone, altoborn 1948
Ron Myers
pianoborn 1956
Tony Campbell
saxophone, altoborn 1960
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