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Jazz Musicians born on August 30
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Adam Rea
guitarborn 1982
Agnar Mar Magnusson
pianoborn 1974
Andrew Howe
pianoborn 1949
Anthony Coleman
pianoborn 1955
Brigitte Escobar
vocalsborn 1968
Charlie Wood - Guitar
guitarborn 1951
Chase Emerson
guitarborn 1994
Dario Dolci
saxophone, altoborn 1957
Darren Lyons
drumsborn 1962
Dewa Budjana
guitar, electricborn 1963
Don Suhor
woodwindsborn 1932
Fred Tackett
guitarborn 1945
Hakan Başar
pianoborn 2004
Harold Rayford
saxophoneborn 1966
Hoyle Osborne
pianoborn 1948
Jared Sims
saxophoneJewel Brown
vocalsborn 1937
John Surman
saxophoneborn 1944
Josep Soto
guitarborn 1957
Juliet Green
vocalsKenny Dorham
trumpetborn 1924
guitarborn 1961
Olivia Murphy
composer / conductorborn 1997
Rachael Price
vocalsborn 1985
Reza Saleh
bass, electricborn 1976
Rodney Jones
guitarborn 1956
Sergio Bellotti
drumsborn 1968
Stephanie Crawford
vocalsborn 1942
Stratos Vougas
saxophone, tenorborn 1967
Bronislaw Suchanek
born 1948Conny Jackel
born 1931Danny Alguire
born 1912Detlev Beier
born 1957Floyd Bean
born 1904Herman Lubinsky
born 1896Kid Rena
born 1898Luther Snake Boy Johnson
born 1934Maffy Falay
born 1930Olive Brown
born 1922Tony Thorpe
born 1900Willie Bryant
born 1908Disclaimer: Though we have checked our dates, this listing may contain erroneous information. If you discover errors or omissions, please report it to us. Thank you.