Home » Jazz Articles » Album Review » Chris Walden: Missa Iubileum Aureum: Golden Jubilee Jazz Mass
Chris Walden: Missa Iubileum Aureum: Golden Jubilee Jazz Mass
ByWhat jazz components there are surface for the most part on the instrumental finale, "Thanks Be to God," the rhythmic "Communion" and, to a lesser extent, "Gloria," "Credo," "Sanctus" and "Agnus Dei." Several splendid solos from within the orchestra are uncredited (but the pianist is Shelly Berg, the guitarist Brian Nova). Elsewhere, the orchestra and chorus are dedicated to the service of holiness, as are Elling and Sutton, whose Latin phrasings are thoroughly convincingat least to someone who doesn't speak the language.
Walden, a busy Hollywood composer and arranger who has scored more than forty feature and TV films and written more than 1,500 orchestral and big-band arrangements for a who's who of jazz and pop artists, was commissioned to write the Missa Iubileum Aureum to commemorate the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Ted Hall, a Napa Valley entrepreneur, trombonist and member of the LMR Jazz Orchestra. The eleven-part liturgical mass is basically orthodox in arrangement: kyrie, gloria, alleluia, credo, offertory, sanctus, acclamation, agnus dei, communionwith jazz slipped in to lend a stalwart and contemporary perspective.
The result is a canonical ceremony with a slight yet perceptible difference, namely the infusion of jazz. While jazz is by no means a focal point of the mass, there is enough to single it out from other works of its kind, and if the Grammies have a category that embraces such hybrids, it is almost certain to earn one. The high marks awarded here are not so much for the jazz content as for the over-all excellence of the composition and performance.
Track Listing
Kyrie; Gloria; Alleluia; Credo; Offertory - The Passionate Shepherd to His Love; Sanctus; Memorial Acclamation; Great Amen; Agnus Dei; Communion; Thanks Be to God.
Chris Walden
arrangerTierney Sutton
vocalsKurt Elling
vocalsMary Fettig
woodwindsBen Torres
woodwindsTom Scott
saxophone, tenorSteve Steinberg
woodwindsAaron Lington
saxophone, baritoneWayne Bergeron
trumpetNiel Levonius
trumpetMarvin McFadden
trumpetLarry Lunetta
trumpetMichael Davis
tromboneJon Brummel
tromboneMark Lawrence
guitarDan Gordon
tromboneBrian Nova
guitarShelly Berg
pianoCarlitos del Puerto
bass, electricGary Novak
drumsAdditional Instrumentation
Curt Moore: vibraphone; Simon Berry: organist & choir director; St. Dominic’s Schola Cantorum: choir.
Album information
Title: Missa Iubileum Aureum: Golden Jubilee Jazz Mass | Year Released: 2022 | Record Label: Origin Records
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