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Article: Album Review

Caswell Sisters featuring Fred Hersch: Alive In The Singing Air

Read "Alive In The Singing Air" reviewed by C. Michael Bailey

Rachel and Sara Caswell's Alive in the Singing Air is an interesting and vibrant example of how rich a loam of invention and innovation jazz music is. The genre and its repertoire has readily endured and thrived in a variety of formats, instrumentation, source music, every degree of freedom represented over its century of existence. On ...


Article: Album Review

Caswell Sisters featuring Fred Hersch: Alive In The Singing Air

Read "Alive In The Singing Air" reviewed by Dan Bilawsky

Sibling acts in jazz are fairly common, but sister acts are not. The Brothers Dorsey, Jones, Montgomery, Heath, Brecker, and Marsalis are familiar to any jazz fan with a passing knowledge of the music's history, but female counterparts are scarce. Thankfully, that trend is changing, proving that jazz is not a man's--or brother's--world. Today, we have ...


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