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Results for "Markus Reuter"
About Markus Reuter
Instrument: Guitar, electric
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Markus Reuter

Markus Reuter is a producer, musician, composer & sound designer.
Born in 1972, Markus initially trained as a pianist before switching to guitar in the late 80's, and subsequently touch guitar in 1993. Soon after, he developed a unique skill for improvised composition, often employing loop-based technology in order to push the envelope of solo performance. In his teenage years, Markus studied music theory and composition with Karlheinz Straetmanns, in the tradition of Paul Hindemith & Harald Genzmer
Sea of Hopeless Angels

Label: Flatiron Recordings
Released: 2024
Track listing: Damiel; Comfort and Trust; Sea of Hopeless Angels; Angels Fall; Blood Gold; Ghost World; Cassiel.
Markus Reuter: Recording Music Across Space and Time

by Lawrence Peryer
Today, the Spotlight shines On returning guest, the innovative musician and composer Markus Reuter.Markus originally joined us for Episode 130 back in November 2022. He joins us now to discuss his project Sea of Hopeless Angels (Unsung Records), which began as several unedited studio solo improvisations by Markus on his electric touch guitar. Those ...
Markus Reuter & Stefano Castagna To Release New Collaborative Album 'Sea Of Hopeless Angels'

An unexpected concerto. The streets of Berlin. Nourishment and exhaustion. The celestial, moving among us. All of these things might describe (or, more accurately, permeate) Markus Reuter’s latest projecta spontaneous collaboration with Stefano Castagna. From a strictly Reuterian perspective, Sea of Hopeless Angels could be seen as a reaction to Markus’ furious and abrasive work with ...
Stick Men al Roma Jazz Festival

by Mario Calvitti
Stick Men Roma Jazz Festival 2023 Teatro Studio Roma 16.11.2023 Gli Stick Men sono un gruppo fondato nel 2007 dal bassista Tony Levin insieme al batterista Pat Mastelotto, col quale ha costituito per molti anni la sezione ritmica dei King Crimson, e a Michael Bernier, come Levin specialista del ...
T1-Contact Information

Label: Self Produced
Released: 2023
Track listing: CD1: Crowfin (Having Some Fun Now); 31; Apple Turtle; On the Other Side; Contact Information. CD2: Poem for a Sad Horse; Forcibly Taken Into the Future; Moses; Poodles.
New Music from Mukul Dongre, Claudio Scolari and Markus Reuter

by Len Davis
New and recent releases from Mumbai drummer Mukul Dongre, Serbian basist Vladamir Samardzic, from Italy The Claudio Scolari Project, German touch guitarist Markus Reuter, and from Brazilian-Portuguese guitarist Bobby Rozario, More from bassist Tom Kennedy, Chick Corea Elektrik Band and Cuban bassist Rafael Paseiro.Playlist Mukul Dongre Catch Me" from Catch Me (Self Produced) 00:00 ...
New music from Melbourne band Claps, Devine King Project and Markus Reuter

by Len Davis
New music from British band Devine King Project, Melbourne band Claps, German touch guitarist Markus Reuter and from Ukraine pianist Usein Bekirov with James Genus and Dennis Chambers. German band The Fire Orange Project, Spanish guitarist David Munoz, Jeff Lorber and Lo Greco Bros from Italy.Playlist Devine King project Hypersphere" from Wired Telemetry (Self Produced) 00:00 ...
Tu-Ner: T1-Contact Information

by Geno Thackara
After so many years crossing paths in the realm of experimental-industrial-groove-jazz-rock weirdness, it would have been more surprising if these three did not all join forces at some point. Pat Mastelotto and Trey Gunn build on a decades-long history in multiple King Crimson rhythm sections as well as their own duo called TU. Touch guitarist Markus ...
Bassist Romain Lebaya, Markus Reuter and Stephan Thelen

by Len Davis
French bassist Romain Lebaya, and LA Band Qui'3 from Tribe of Rivals. Touch guitarist Markus Reuter, and Stephan Thelen from Fractal Guitar 3. Brazilian keyboard player Erik Escobar from his newest Live Album and Igor Willcox with his quartet live in Europe. Aurora Clara finish the program with another track from their latest album.