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Psychedelic Rio

Label: Sunnyside Records
Released: 2024
Track listing: Rio Negro; É Preciso Perdoar; Uirapuru; Berlin; Humanos; Insensatez; Nossa Estrada; Verde Mata.


Article: Album Review

Vinicius Cantuaria: Psychedelic Rio

Read "Psychedelic Rio" reviewed by Katchie Cartwright

Formed in Rio in 1968 when he was 17 and Brazil was under military rule, O Terço (The Third/Rosary) was singer-songwriter and guitarist Vinicius Cantuária's first working band. He played drums with the trio, which was, as he put it, “under the influence" of Crosby Stills & Nash. One can hear other psychedelic-folk-rock influences as well. ...


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