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Dark Horse

Label: Sunnyside Records
Released: 2023
Track listing: Luna Park; Dark Horse (Intro); Dark Horse; Dreamers; Gift of Time; Torn; Sonic River (Intro); Sonic River; Berlin People.


Oedipe Redux

Label: Sunnyside Records
Released: 2023
Track listing: Prelude; Tirésias et Laïos; Helas! Terre lamentable...; Interlude I; Adonis couché sur la pourpre et l'or; Le berger; Hécate, Hécate; Oui suis-je? Le Corbeau crie...; Interlude II; Le crime, mort de Laïos; El est un breuvage; La Sphynge; Couronnement et chute; Je mourrai dans la lumière.



Label: Sunnyside Records
Released: 2023
Track listing: Soulful Mr. Timmons; The Maestro; Jackie McLean; Lonely Woman; This Here; Ruby, My Dear; Minor Mishap; Sunset; Blue Drew; Rouge; He Has Gone.


Up High, Down Low

Label: Sunnyside Records
Released: 2023
Track listing: In Hindsight.


Trouble In Mind

Label: Sunnyside Records
Released: 2024
Track listing: In A Sentimental Mood; Esplanade Blues; Alice's Wonderland; Justice and Honor; There at The Heart; Trouble In Mind; In My Solitude; Out of Nowhere; I Should Have Prayed for Rain; My Funny Valentine; Come Sunday; Scheme for Thought.


Live in Red Hook

Label: Sunnyside Records
Released: 2024


Elegy for Thelonious

Label: Sunnyside Records
Released: 2024
Track listing: Spooky Rift We Pat; Out of Steam; Wanting More; Elegy for Thelonious; Scallop’s Scallop; Wrinkle on Trinkle; Brake Tune.


Psychedelic Rio

Label: Sunnyside Records
Released: 2024
Track listing: Rio Negro; É Preciso Perdoar; Uirapuru; Berlin; Humanos; Insensatez; Nossa Estrada; Verde Mata.


What Times Are These

Label: Sunnyside Records
Released: 2024
Track listing: In The Light of Day (feat. Keita Ogawa); To Be of Use; An Old Story (feat. Aubrey Johnson & Keita Ogawa); In Those Years (feat. Theo Bleckmann); What Kind of Times Are These (feat. Sara Serpa); Sorrow Song (feat. KOKAYI & Aubrey Johnson; My Grandmother In The Stars (feat. Sara Serpa); I Am Wrestling with Despair (feat. Sara Serpa); Dreams (feat. Aubrey Johnson); In The Day of Light (feat. Keita Ogawa).


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