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Article: Live Review

Julian Siegel Quartet At Magy's Farm

Read "Julian Siegel Quartet At Magy's Farm" reviewed by Ian Patterson

Julian Siegel Quartet Magy's Farm Dromara, N. Ireland April 27, 2024 Johannes Weege, co-founder of German jazz club Doubletime had traveled all the way from Hamelin. Apart from Double Time, the medieval town is famed for the story of the Pied Piper, who lured the town's children away with his hypnotic ...


Article: Live Review

Building Back Jazz Brick by Brick in East London

Read "Building Back Jazz Brick by Brick in East London" reviewed by Peter Jones

Brick Lane Jazz Festival London April 26-28, 2024 The most innovative and thrilling jazz currently emerging from the UK is centred on a few grimy, narrow streets on the east side of London. The pioneering work that goes on in this elaborately-graffitied neighbourhood has, in recent years, contributed much to the ...


Article: Live Review

Jack Kelly's Honkatonktet At Scott's Jazz Club

Read "Jack Kelly's Honkatonktet At Scott's Jazz Club" reviewed by Ian Patterson

Jack Kelly's Honkatonktet Scott's Jazz Club jny:Belfast, N. Ireland April 26, 2024 Who knows what sort of music Charlie Parker would have made had he lived another thirty-five years? It is tantalizing to think that he might have ventured into country music. Parker loved country music, especially Hank Williams, drawn ...


Article: Live Review

Joel Frahm Trio At Scott's Jazz Club

Read "Joel Frahm Trio At Scott's Jazz Club" reviewed by Ian Patterson

Joel Frahm Trio Scott's Jazz Club jny:Belfast, N. Ireland April 12, 2024 Another sold-out gig. It is not an uncommon occurrence at Scott's Jazz Club. Yet this was no ordinary occasion for Ballyhackamore's award-winning venue. For starters, the Joel Frahm Trio was in the house. Scott's Jazz Club has attracted ...


Article: Radio & Podcasts

Will Barnes: Jazz Impressions of the Welsh Landscape

Read "Will Barnes: Jazz Impressions of the Welsh Landscape" reviewed by Lawrence Peryer

Today, the Spotlight shines On Will Barnes, leader of the Will Barnes Quartet, who joins me to talk about his life in music and, specifically, his ongoing collaboration with landscape artist Erin Hughes. Their first album together, Source of the Severn (AAB Records), is a 21st-century take on classic bebop-era sounds. Erin's nine original ...


Article: In Pictures

Evan Parker 80th Birthday Celebration

Read "Evan Parker 80th Birthday Celebration" reviewed by John Sharpe

On 6 April, the day after his 80th birthday, North London's Cafe Oto hosted a virtually sold out two-day celebration in honor of groundbreaking saxophone icon Evan Parker, bringing together a host of colleagues from across his career. Contingents from North America and Europe swelled the ranks of local well-wishers and were rewarded by some marvelous ...

Results for pages tagged "United Kingdom"...


Ben Higham


Article: Chats with Cats

Women in Jazz Media: Kim Cypher

Read "Women in Jazz Media: Kim Cypher" reviewed by B.D. Lenz

It is rare that a jazz musician is just a jazz musician. In order to survive you almost always have to have another gig, teach, or work in some auxiliary role to your music life. A musician who exemplifies this diversification is Kim Cypher, a saxophonist/vocalist based in the UK. Besides being a musician and composer, ...


Article: Live Review

Brilliant Corners 2024

Read "Brilliant Corners 2024" reviewed by Ian Patterson

Brilliant Corners 2024 Black Box/Accidental Theatre jny:Belfast, N. Ireland March 1-9, 2024 At a time when veteran rock acts on their last legs are asking cash-strapped punters to part with hundreds of pounds to stand in a stadium to hear the same hits as the last tour, and the tour ...


News: Performance / Tour

Tap Dance On Vinyl - Jazz Visionary Petra Haller’s Announces 'Shoulders I Stand On' Vinyl Release Tour, And New Project 'Orbit'

Tap Dance On Vinyl - Jazz Visionary Petra Haller’s Announces 'Shoulders I Stand On' Vinyl Release Tour, And New Project 'Orbit'

In a triumphant celebration of contemporary jazz, tap dancer and musician Petra Haller, announces the vinyl release tour of her debut Album Shoulders I Stand On. The tour commences on March 10 at the prestigious Anteros Arts Foundation in Norwich, moves to Piano Smithfield in London on March 12th, a stand out event with a double ...


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