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Young Magic

Combining dream pop, trip-hop, electro, and global influences, Young Magic continues in the tradition of bands like My Bloody Valentine and Animal Collective and adds a tribal twist. The trio met in New York around 2007, sharing music interests and restless spirits. Australian native Isaac Emmanuel spent 2010 traveling across Europe, then jumping across the pond to New York and down to Mexico, recording music along the way with whatever instruments were available. Meanwhile, bandmate and fellow Aussie Michael Italia embarked on his own travels across Europe and South America, also armed with portable recording gear, while Indonesian-born Melati Malay made her own sounds back in New York



Label: Carpark Records
Released: 2012
Track listing: Sparkly; Slip Time; You With Air; Yalam; Jam Karet; Night in the Ocean; Sanctuary; Drawing Down The Moon.


Article: Album Review

Young Magic: Melt

Read "Melt" reviewed by Nenad Georgievski

Young Magic is an ensemble with a global reach of reference. Its music wanders the territorial edges of music, scoping out where boundaries had been erected and looking beyond them. This open-form aesthetic has resulted in multifaceted type of music that is concurrently exploratory and involving. This trio was founded by Australian producer/singer ...


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