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Light Out of Darkness by Andrea Wolper

From the album

"Light Out of Darkness" by

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Album Title: Wanderlust
Moonflower Music
Released: 2024
Duration: 58:45


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About the Album

Andrea Wolper's take on Ray Charles and Rick Ward's "Light Out of Darkness," arranged by Jeff Lederer. Reminding us that even in dark times we always have love and hope, the message is as timely as it was when introduced by Charles in the mid-'60s. "...a seriously cool take on Ray Charles’ 'Light Out Of Darkness.' I love the way it kind of sneaks up on us at the beginning, building before her sexy vocals come in. And then, watch out, because she will own you before long." (Michael Doherty's Music Log)


Light Out of Darknes; Dog Day Afternoon; Sobe e Desce; Still Life; The Music is the Magic; The Nature of Life; Been to Canaan; Nevermore; Eventide; I Burn For You; Cisluna; The Winter of Our Content.


Date featured

April 12, 2024

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