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Love Is The Answer by Sarah D'Angelo

From the album

"Love Is The Answer" by

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Album Title: Medicine Man
Label: PKO Records
Released: 2019
Duration: 75:41:00


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About the Album

Stevie Wonder inspired and influenced this jazz tune when he challenged us as musicians to write more songs about love. It's a fusion of jazz and a bit of funk and soul. Features Sarah D'Angelo, Kevin Grenier/keys, Michael Palazzolo/bass and Jesse Kramer/drums


01. Poco's Lament; 02. Roots; 03. Throw It Away; 04. What a Friend; 05. Harvest Time; 06. Reverie; 07. Farewell Dolly; 08. Bittersweet; 09. Love Is the Answer; 10. Con Alma; 11. Medicine Man; 12. Tell Him; 13. Wild Is the Wind; 14. You Don't Know.


Date featured

April 6, 2024

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