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Recuerdo (after Edna St. Vincent Millay) by Aaron Irwin

From the album

"Recuerdo (after Edna St. Vincent Millay)" by

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Album Title: (After)
Label: Adhyâropa Records
Released: 2024


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About the Album

The album is titled ‘(after),’ in reference to the practice in poetry of writing new works inspired by, or in conversation with, an existing work. The opening track, Recuerdo (after Edna St. Vincent Millay), brings to life the joy and whimsy of each instrument’s voice in the beauty of the quotidian. Mike Baggetta’s guitar shines here, providing steadiness, twists, and verve.


Recuerdo (after Edna St. Vincent Millay); Frederick Douglass (after Robert Hayden); Five Bells (after Kenneth Slessor); The Hill (after Joshua Mehigan); Pikes Peak (after Sarah Holland - Batt); When I Heard At The Close Of The Day (after Walt Whitman); The Cemetery (after Steve Scafidi); Daniel Boone (after Stephen Vincent Benét); The President Visits The Storm (after Shane McCrae).


Aaron Irwin
saxophone, alto

Additional Personnel

Three pieces on the album include the inspiration poem itself spoken as part of the presentation: Frederick Douglass (after Robert Hayden) read by Bonita Oliver, The Hill (after Joshua Mehigan) by Joshua Mehigan, and Daniel Boone (after Stephen Vincent Benét) by Emily Wong.

Date featured

March 23, 2024

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