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Twenty Dollar Bill by Elliott Sharp

From the album

"Twenty Dollar Bill" by

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Album Title: Twenty Dollar Bill
Label: Delmark Records
Released: 2024


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About the Album

Written by Elliott Sharp, “Twenty-Dollar Bill” is both a lament about the nature and value of folding money in today’s world as well as a satiric stab at the fact that Andrew Jackson, featured on the $20 bill, was also a slaveholder. The push to replace Jackson with Harriet Tubman, a social activist and abolitionist and escaped slave, has been mired in Congressional inactivity. Elliott Sharp's Terraplane synthesizes the intersection of country and urban blues with Mississippi fife & drum bands, post-Mingus/Ayler jazz, the sonic innovations of Sharp's long-running ensemble CARBON and the rhythmic force of the groove, from the shuffle to contemporary dance music. Begun in 1991, Terraplane has been through many permutations with a number of guest artists including HUBERT SUMLIN, the legendary guitar innovator and sideman to Howlin' Wolf and Muddy Waters, as well as singer/poets ERIC MINGUS and TRACIE MORRIS. Eric Mingus, vocals Elliott Sharp, guitars, keyboards Dave Hofstra, bass Don McKenzie, drums


Twenty Dollar Bill


Date featured

April 14, 2024

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Song of the Day

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