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Jazz Radio & Podcast Schedule
All About Jazz presents curated radio programs and podcasts daily and our current programs are featured in the RADIO & PODCASTS section on the home page. You can view our entire archive of shows from the radio and podcast landing page or by clicking EXPLORE (top left). If you have a jazz radio program or podcast and would like to join the All About Jazz network, contact Michael Ricci.Happy listening!
Active Shows

A Broad Spectrum
Host: Mary Foster ConklinShow Archive
From New York City
About A Broad Spectrum
My weekly radio show on WFDU 89.1 FM highlighting music and lyrics by women broadcasts live every Sunday from 3PM to 7PM streaming on their HD2 channel, Jazz and What's More. A Broad Spectrum offers up an assortment of music by Women Who Inspire - Writers, Composers, Instrumentalists and Vocalists (and yes, there will be airplay of male artists too, in the Honorable Men-tion slot). Hope you’ll get a chance to tune in.Featured on All About Jazz on Monday.

Bitches Brew
Host: Len DavisShow Archive
From Melbourne
About Bitches Brew
In 1969, Miles Davis turned jazz on its head. Bitches Brew was a groundbreaking album that added new sounds to jazz, making everyone take notice. Miles introduced rock sounds as well as many electronic instruments. My program is inspired by this album. You will hear music from that era and earlier, as well as many new releases, featuring jazz, rock, fusion and progressive rock. I also include Indian and other world Mmusic influences. I have been a volunteer contributor to Community Radio since 1979, playing this unique music.Featured on All About Jazz on Friday, Sunday.

Jazz Bastard
Host: Patrick BurnetteShow Archive
From Indianapolis
About Jazz Bastard
Let's talk about jazz! There are lots of podcasts that offer playlists of jazz, but fewer which discuss the music in depth. The goal here is to have a causal but thorough conversation about jazz albums - something more along the lines of chatting about movies or athletes with friends than attending a lecture or seminar. Why "bastard"? Jazz music and musicians are under incredible economic and cultural stress. It's hard to get a hearing (or get paid) for making this beautiful music, and as a result sometimes every release is treated with kid gloves, like an orchard that might wilt if exposed to the outside air. But music only survives when listeners passionately engage with it. We try to be honest about our feelings - our likes and dislikes - on the show. Thoughtful, but honest. What makes an album - out of the hundreds released every year - really grab you? Why does another one - technically excellent though it may be - fail to connect? These are the questions we bastards ask. You'll probably disagree with our answers and that's ok. Just let us know!Featured on All About Jazz on Thursday.

Joe Dimino
Host: Joe DiminoShow Archive
From Kansas City
About Joe Dimino
Neon Jazz is a radio show and interview series created and distributed since 2011. Hatched & Hosted by Joe Dimino out of Kansas City, Missouri. The series has been Engineered and generously supported by John Christopher over thirteen years, with hundreds of episodes and thousands of interviews. We celebrate the glory days right on into the innovations of modern players. The aim is to tell the rich story of jazz through the voice of the musician and provide an enticing kaleidoscope of sound and stories. We are always celebrating one of America's finest inventions. Jazz. Dig in...Featured on All About Jazz on Sunday.

Liner Notes
Host: David BixlerShow Archive
From New York City
About Liner Notes
A few years ago, in a conversation with a colleague of mine after a gig, we realized that our generation gleaned much of our knowledge of the history of jazz music from reading the liner notes off the backs of LPs. Today my students have fluid access to more recordings than they could ever possibly listen to, but they often know little about the musicians who play on the recordings, why the recordings were created, or what they are about. In the era of iTunes and Spotify, the liner notes that provide this information are not easily available when downloading a recording. In thinking about this void of knowledge, which I feel is a real lack of connection between the artist and listener, I conceived of a podcast/radio program intended to serve as a tool to fill in the gaps in this lack of knowledge, that additionally would provide an artist the opportunity to reveal the humanity behind the music. This project is an extension of my creative research, in that I believe that I have an obligation to this music and to my students to make connections between the artist and listener.Featured on All About Jazz on Wednesday.

Mondo Jazz
Host: Ludovico GranvassuShow Archive
From New York City
About Mondo Jazz
Mondo Jazz is dedicated to the proposition that Jazz is a language that originated in the United States but is now spoken all over the world in various, at times very strong, accents, which make it a rich resource for rewarding sonic explorations. Therefore this podcast will feature a mix of Jazz from the United States and the rest of the world to show that there exists a continuous exchange and cross-pollination between these two worlds. Duke Ellington famously said: "There are simply two kinds of music, good music and the other kind...." Mondo Jazz sticks to that principle and will feature only good music, without much concern for how it is labelled, even though our core focus is jazz.Featured on Tuesday and Friday.
Featured on All About Jazz on Tuesday, Friday.

One Man's Jazz
Host: Maurice HogueShow Archive
From Winnipeg
About One Man's Jazz
One Man's Jazz has been in existence since 1999. I had always wanted to try my hand at doing radio because I loved jazz, had too many records, was active in it as a performer, and I was working as an artist representative and manager for primarily jazz artists. And apparently I have a "radio" voice. Ha! So when a new local college station was looking for volunteers, I jumped at the chance. I was so excited the day of my first show that I left the house wearing my house slippers.That excitement has not left, and even though I tired of the college scene, I decided to head for the world of extraterrestrial radio and join Taint Radio in 2012, where a group of passionate programmers could freely program whatever the hell they like, right up until Taint Radio closed operations in April 2024. And I still do. My tastes in the music have changed considerably since those first days of Brubeck and early Miles and Coltrane. Nowadays I'm all about expanding the palette, looking at artists from other countries besides North America, searching beyond the mainstream, and focusing on moving the music forward.
I relish my time doing One Man's Jazz, because it really is all about the music and the people who make it. I hope you'll join me once in a while here on AAJ, the show website or Mixcloud.com.
Featured on All About Jazz on Monday.

Host: Cliff FurnaldShow Archive
From New Haven
About RootsWorld
RootsWorld is music magazine and radio program. While we focus on roots-related music from around the world, we venture into jazz, experimental and avant garde music regularly. The program is produced and hosted by RootsWorld editor Cliff Furnald, who has produced FM radio programs since the 1980s on WYBC, WHNU and currently on Thursday mornings at 7 AM eastern on WPKN 89.5 FM in Bridgeport, CT RootsWorld Radio went on the air on multiple FM and streaming stations in 2012.Featured on All About Jazz on Friday.

Spotlight On
Host: Lawrence PeryerShow Archive
From Seattle
About Spotlight On
Host Lawrence Peryer takes listeners on a behind-the-scenes exploration of the past, present and future of the modern music and entertainment business, with musicians, thought leaders, tech innovators and more.Featured on All About Jazz on Saturday.

Talk About Jazz
Host: Doug HallShow Archive
From Boston
About Talk About Jazz
Talk About Jazz With Doug Hall is a 30 minute interview format with a guest jazz musician in studio or remotely, which includes 2 snippets of 2 compositions played during interview for discussion. The Belmont Media Center is the hosting media channel in Belmont, MA.Featured on All About Jazz on Friday.

The Jazz Continuum
Host: David BrownShow Archive
From Philadelphia
About The Jazz Continuum
The Jazz Continuum is a weekly radio program broadcast from WGGT-LP 92.9 out of the historic Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia. Each week we explore the elements of jazz form a historical perspective. Old, new, in out. Where ever the music takes us. Hosted by David Brown the show airs Saturdays, 6-8pm.Featured on All About Jazz on Tuesday.

The Outer View
Host: Jerome WilsonShow Archive
From Washington
About The Outer View
The Outer View is a radio show dedicated to exploring all the facets of modern jazz as it is played all over the world in a time span ranging from the bebop era up to the present. I often spend a show dealing with one particular theme. Sometimes I focus on a particular group of instruments like saxophones, pianos, and guitars and other string instruments Other times I do shows on large ensembles, female musicians, vocalists, jazz from movies and television, jazz from foreign countries, blues, and the cross-pollination of jazz with classical music, poetry, rock and folk. On all occasions I always try to include the work of little-known musicians as well as the established names. My slogan is "Tune in and hear something you never heard before".Featured on All About Jazz on Wednesday.

The Third Story
Host: Leo SidranShow Archive
From New York City
About The Third Story
The Third Story podcast features long-form interviews with creative people of all types, hosted by me, Leo Sidran. Their stories of discovery, loss, ambition, identity, improvisation, risk, and reward are deeply moving and compelling for all of us as we embark on our own creative journeys.Featured on All About Jazz on Wednesday.

World of Jazz
Host: Bob OsborneShow Archive
From Manchester
About World of Jazz
World of Jazz is a weekly two hour radio show dedicated to covering the best in new releases with the aim of being as international as possible and demonstrating that jazz is truly global. There are no genre barriers to what gets featured on the show although I do tend to lean towards more ground-breaking artists. The show is broadcast live on Eternal Fusion Radio at 2pm (UK Time) every Sunday, and is also available on my Podbean channel and Different Noises Blog.Featured on All About Jazz on Thursday.
Archived Shows

Show Archive
Host: AAJ Italy Staff

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Host: Emily Jones

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Host: Steven Roby

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Host: Centro d'Arte Padova

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Host: Nick Davies

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Host: Michael Ambrosino

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Host: Lorens Chuno

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Host: Marc Cohn

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Host: Kristen Lee Sergeant

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Host: Russell Perry

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Host: Monk Rowe

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Host: Christy N Bennett

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Host: Seton Hawkins

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Host: Ken Dryden

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Host: Joseph Vella

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Host: H William Stine

Show Archive
Host: Mr Lob